Big-Hearted & BadAss Program Healing Narcissistic Abuse Calgary Alberta Marriage Counselling

Transform Your Pain into Power

Empathic individuals often find themselves trapped in the web of narcissistic abuse. You’ve given your all, yet feel drained, lost, and unseen.

But there’s a way out—a way to reclaim your worth as you build a life of love and respect.

Download Your Free Guide "Healing Relationship Injury"

Welcome to SmartEmpath®

Your Path to True Healing

At SmartEmpath®, we understand the deep wounds narcissistic abuse leaves behind.

Led by Dr. Michael Haggstrom, an expert with decades of experience in trauma recovery, we specialize in guiding empathic individuals to not just survive, but thrive.

You’re not alone in this journey, and the first step toward reclaiming your life starts here.

Narcissistic abuse betrayal trauma ptsd healing with Big-Hearted & BadAss™

Why You’re Stuck

The Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is insidious—it chips away at your self-esteem, leaving you questioning your reality. You may have tried therapy, read books, or watched countless videos, yet still feel trapped.

The truth is, traditional methods often miss the mark for empathic individuals. You need a process that understands your unique sensitivity and strength.

The SmartEmpath® Process

Tailored Healing for Empaths

Developed by Dr. Michael Haggstrom, the SmartEmpath® Process is designed specifically for empathic people.

Our approach goes beyond traditional therapy, providing you with the tools to break free from toxic patterns, set healthy boundaries, and build relationships rooted in mutual respect and love.

Ready to Start Healing? Download Your Free Guide:


Trauma to BadAss

Free Upcoming MasterClass

Join our live workshop on September 26th, 2024, at 7:00 PM MST where Dr. Haggstrom will walk you through the 3 stages of healing from narcissistic abuse.

This session is perfect for those ready to take their healing to the next level.

Secure your spot today:

>> Find Out More DETAILS

Success Stories

from the SmartEmpath® Community

"Before meeting Dr. Michael I was quite the people-pleaser, then he gave me the tools I needed to become assertive. I can now set boundaries, even with difficult people. Best of all, I know how to get my emotional needs.

Wow, what a difference. His methods work!"

- Heather S. -

"I lived my whole life struggling with self-confidence. When I discovered it was because of relationship trauma, I was finally able to break free from people's mind games.

Dr. Haggstrom's mentorship has been a real game-changer."

- Keara L. -

"I spent years stuck in an unhealthy relationship. I kept giving and giving, but my needs didn't really matter. I can't believe I stayed so long. SmartEmpath® helped me heal and move on.

Best of all, I've learned how to love myself again."

- Alex T. -

Take the First Step Toward Healing

Your journey to reclaiming your life starts with understanding the science of healing from relationship trauma.

Download your free eBook and join a community that gets you.

Get Your Free Guide:


Take the First Step Toward Healing

Your journey to reclaiming your life starts with understanding the science of healing from relationship trauma. Download your free eBook and join a community that gets you.

Dr. Michael Haggstrom Narcissistic abuse recovery expert

Dr. Michael Haggstrom is a leading expert in relationships and trauma.

He has over three decades of experience in helping clients with their relationship challenges.

His SmartEmpath® Framework combines the latest research in neuroscience with practical step-by-step processes that provide a comprehensive approach to therapeutic transformation.



You remain in the relationship because you want to believe they can change, so you double down on your efforts.

When they behave poorly, you over-explain in an attempt to make them understand how much their actions hurt you. Sometimes, it seems to work, but the change never lasts. It's merely cosmetic.

Their selfish, toxic, and neglectful behaviours return, often with a vengeance. You start to realize the truth—that these behaviours may be who they truly are.

You are left with three choices. You can:

  • keep fighting to try and change things,
  • stop fighting and accept to live in a one-sided relationship where your needs don't really matter, or
  • you can end the relationship and try to move on.
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Most people remain in toxic relationships because of a lie they tell themselves based on the "sunk cost fallacy."

This is when you continue to invest in a situation because of the time, effort, and resources you've already put in, even when it’s not in your best interest. Recognizing this pattern is crucial to beginning your healing journey.


Relationship injury is even more complex when it involves emotional or psychological abuse, especially from someone with narcissistic behaviours.


In such cases, you can bond so deeply with the very person causing you harm that leaving can feel impossible. This is called "trauma bonding."

Trauma bonding occurs when the intermittent reinforcement of positive and negative behaviours creates a powerful emotional attachment.

The abuser alternates between periods of kindness and cruelty, making you crave the affection and validation they occasionally receive.

This cycle can make you question your worth and develop submissive behaviours to keep the peace.


Without healing, you will struggle to set healthy boundaries and assert your needs, remaining vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

Healing involves recognizing these patterns, reclaiming your self-worth, and learning to prioritize your own needs and well-being.

With the right skills, you can heal and create the love you deserve.

Dr. Haggstrom understands firsthand what you're going through. He's been working with clients just like you for over three decades, guiding them toward empowerment and healing, with clear actionable steps that facilitate real change.

KNOW THIS: You've come to the right place.

Discover Dr. Haggstrom's 3-Step Process


You start believing that you don't deserve better.

You might feel angry, but instead of using it to become assertive, you turn the anger against yourself with destructive self-talk.

But here's the thing — there's a process to help you recover.

With the right tools and methods, you can break free from the confusion and pain of relationship trauma, including narcissistic abuse.

Narcissistic abuse betrayal trauma ptsd healing with Big-Hearted & BadAss™

To help you on your healing journey, I have something for you:


Healing Relationship Trauma eBook

Dr. Michael Haggstrom has crafted this beautifully designed free eBook specifically for empathic individuals. By downloading this guide, you'll gain a deep understanding of the science behind healing from relationship trauma, including narcissistic abuse.

Get Your Free StarterGuide ⤵️



Understanding Relationship Trauma:

  • Gain insights into what relationship trauma is and how it affects your emotional and psychological health, including avoidant and anxious attachment as well as narcissistic abuse.

The Neuroscience of Trauma:

  • Discover how trauma changes your brain and how you can start to heal these changes.

Identifying Trauma Responses:

  • Learn to recognize common responses to trauma and how they impact your life and relationships.

Actionable Strategies for Healing:

  • Get step-by-step guidance on how to rebuild your sense of self, set healthy boundaries, and create fulfilling relationships.
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Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Therapy Calgary Alberta Canada
PTSD Trauma Healing Therapy Psychology
Dr Michael Haggstrom credentials registered professional
Dr Michael Haggstrom Accelerated Resolution Therapy Trauma Recovery
PTSD Trauma Healing Therapy Psychology
EMDR Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Therapy Treatment Betrayal Trauma
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Therapy Calgary Alberta Canada
Best Narcissistic Abuse Therapy Trauma Healing Program Online


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Big-Hearted & BadAss trademark narcissistic abuse recovery program


Relationship trauma is real.

It will shape how you see yourself and interact with others.

- Dr. Michael Haggstrom

"I loved them with all my heart.

It devastated me when they discarded me, like I meant nothing."

"I kept giving and giving, but my needs didn't really matter. I can't believe I stayed so long in a one-sided relationship."

YES! You can live a life that's trauma free; a life filled with unshakable self-confidence where your emotional needs finally get met.

Join me today.

-Dr. Michael Haggstrom




Dr. Michael Haggstrom 🔸 Relationship & Trauma Expert

EMDR Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Therapy Treatment Betrayal Trauma
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Therapy Calgary Alberta Canada
PTSD Trauma Healing Therapy Psychology
Dr Michael Haggstrom credentials registered professional
Dr Michael Haggstrom Accelerated Resolution Therapy Trauma Recovery
PTSD Trauma Healing Therapy Psychology
EMDR Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Therapy Treatment Betrayal Trauma
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Therapy Calgary Alberta Canada

"I now have the tools to heal and thrive."

- SmartEmpath® Graduate -