Trauma to BadAss

Free Live MasterClass

3 Proven Steps to Effectively Heal from Narcissistic Abuse & Create the Life You Deserve

- For empaths and survivors of relationship trauma

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024, 7:00 PM MST

Spaces are limited. Register now:

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery PTSD Complex Trauma Live Workshop Training

Trauma to BadAss

Free MasterClass

3 Steps to Effectively Healing Relationship Trauma & Creating the Life You Deserve

- For Empaths & Narcissistic Abuse Survivors -

Discover the full framework of the Big-Hearted & BadAss™ Training Program

Get immediate access right now:

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Online program complex ptsd trauma

Stop believing "time heals all wounds."

Instead, develop skills for real RESULTS.

Most therapy focuses on processing the painful past, or trying you to get you to be more positive about life and move on. But relationship trauma is much more complicated than that. Without the right methods, the healing process can take an exceeding long time.

And this is especially true for narcissistic abuse survivors.

Want to know the truth?

The reason you’re still struggling...

  • Many therapists tell you that healing is just a matter of time. But the reality is, traditional therapy often falls short when it comes to addressing the deep layers of narcissistic abuse.
  • The trauma you endured stays locked in your brain’s wiring unless you receive specialized care focused on the psychological manipulation you faced.
  • It's not just about revisiting the past—it's also about rediscovering your true self as an empath, so you can fully trust yourself again.

As empaths, we need personalized tools that speed up recovery, empower us to rebuild unwavering confidence, and break free from harmful patterns for good.


⎻ 1 ⎻

Learn the truth about the real impact of narcissistic abuse and how to effectively heal the damage caused.

⎻ 2 ⎻

Discover the most common mistakes that hold empaths back from taking on life with unshakeable self-confidence.

⎻ 3 ⎻

Learn the foundational skills needed to get the love and respect you deserve.

⎻ 4 ⎻

How to develop boundaries so you can live boldly despite the toxicity around you.


The opportunity to get all your questions answered about healing and thriving beyond narcissistic abuse.

BONUS: Access the Trauma to BadAss" and you'll also get your FREE copy of:

Ebook: "Healing Relationship Injury"

Dr. Michael Haggstrom has created this beautifully designed book to help you understand relationship injury and start your path toward full recovery.

By downloading this guide, you'll discover specific tools so you can create healthy and more meaningful relationships.

Watch Trauma to BadAss now

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Hosted by:

Big-Hearted & BadAss Program Healing Narcissistic Abuse Calgary Alberta Marriage Counselling

Dr. Michael Haggstrom

Dr. Michael Haggstrom is a renowned expert in trauma recovery, with over 30 years of experience helping empathic individuals heal from the deep wounds of relationship trauma.

As a Registered Clinical Social Worker and Doctor in Counselling, Dr. Haggstrom has dedicated his career to empowering others to break free from toxic patterns, reclaim their self-worth, and build relationships grounded in love and respect.

His unique SmartEmpath® approach has transformed countless lives, making him a trusted leader in the field of trauma healing.

This workshop is for you if:

You’re unsure how to advance your healing journey.

You’re tired of repeating the same negative relationship patterns.

You lack a clear path to create the love you desire with family, friends, or a partner.

You lack the skills needed to effectively navigate the difficult people you can't avoid.

You’re ready to reclaim your power but don’t know where to start. Boundaries are still a challenge.

You've lost trust in your discernment and want to reclaim the power of your intuition.

You lack effective methods to rid yourself of negative self-beliefs.

You fear passing your trauma down to your children.

✅ Your healing deserves to be accelerated. Developing effective skills is one of the highest-return on investments you can make.

Join the Trauma to BadAss Private Workshop:

Reserve Your Spot & Register NOW:

Download Your Free EBook

Healing Relationship Trauma

Relationship trauma is at the root of our deepest issues. 75% of people are impacted. Most don't even know it. Without healing, we will live below our potential.

Learn how to find peace of mind with relationship and trauma expert, Dr. Michael Haggstrom. Download now and discover the secrets to improving all of your relationships.

Grab your FREE Guide here:

Yes! Send me my Guide

Get the tools you need to heal your anxiety, insecurities, people-pleasing patterns and more...

Overcoming Relationship Trauma SmartEmpath ebook Empaths Heal Differently workbook free download

Get curious. 2 Free Assessments

Heather S.

"Before meeting Dr. Michael I was quite the people-pleaser, then he gave me the tools I needed to become assertive. I can now set boundaries, even with difficult people. Best of all, I know how to get my emotional needs. Wow, what a difference. His methods work!"

Keara L.

"I lived my whole life struggling with self-confidence. When I discovered it was because of relationship trauma, I was finally able to break free from people's mind games. Dr. Haggstrom's mentorship has been a real game-changer."

Alex T.

"I spent years stuck in an unhealthy relationship. I kept giving and giving, but my needs didn't really matter. I can't believe I stayed so long. SmartEmpath® helped me heal and move on. Best of all, I've learned how to love myself again."

SmartEmpath® Newsletter


Deeply feeling people have often been shamed for being "too sensitive". Dr. Haggstrom is here to help mentor you in your beautiful empathic nature.

Get weekly guidance from top expert on how to:

  • heal relationship trauma,
  • become assertive in setting boundaries, and
  • improve the quality of your relationships.

"The only thing more painful than trauma is the struggle to thrive beyond it and create the life you truly deserve."

- Dr. Michael Haggstrom



Narcissistic abuse trauma recovery expert smartempath healing






Healing Betrayal Abuse Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Trauma
PTSD Trauma Healing Therapy Psychology
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Therapy Calgary Alberta Canada
Dr Michael Haggstrom credentials registered professional
Dr Michael Haggstrom Accelerated Resolution Therapy Trauma Recovery

Big-Hearted & BadAss Program Healing Narcissistic Abuse Calgary Alberta Marriage Counselling

Hi, I’m Dr. Michael Haggstrom, RCSW

I teach compassionate people how to create great relationships and command respect, while healing from relationship injury.

I’m an expert in relationships and trauma with over 30 years of counselling experience.

Let's journey together!