🔍 Discover the Hidden Connection between Perfectionism and Narcissistic Abuse with Dr. Michael Haggstrom.

📘 "8 Signs of Perfectionism & Narcissistic Abuse"

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In this video, we dive deep into real-life stories and uncover the truths behind the relentless pursuit of perfection.

📌 Timestamps:
00:00 Welcome!
00:25 How Perfectionism can be a Hidden Symptom of Past Trauma
01:35 First Truth: Perfectionism and Narcissistic Abuse Connection
05:38 Second Truth: Long-lasting Impact of Narcissistic Abuse
05:47 The Story of Emily’s Marriage to a Narcissist
06:49 The Shadow Sides of Perfectionism
07:33 How Narcissistic Parents Can Harm Their Children
08:24 Third Truth: The Tricky Variations of Narcissism
09:00 The Self-Absorbed "Neglecting Narcissist"
10:42 Triumphing Beyond Narcissistic Abuse & Perfectionism
11:36 Key Take-Aways
11:59 Final Thoughts: A Journey of Recognition